I first met Aunty Di and Uncle Graham when our family started going to St Clements thirty years ago in 1989. Although at the time they were just plain Diana and Graham. It was only when Chrissie came back from New Zealand in the middle of 1989 that they became known as Aunty and Uncle.
They became good friends of the family. My parents would often play cards/games with them, and they went on multitudes of church bushwalks and weekends away together.
In recent years I saw them at various parental type birthdays, and several times when they came down to visit Chrissie.
Graham and Diana on their 25th Wedding Anniversary
Diana, Dad and Graham about to walk across the new Woronora Bridge
Graham and Diana with Dad and Mum at Sydney Aquarium
Bushwalking group walk to Nellies Glen in Blue Mountains. Graham and Diana, Dad, Jeff Anderson, Garry Le Clerc
Diana and Graham celebrating Mum's birthday at Sizzler
Diana and Graham celebrating Dad's birthday at Tradies
Graham and Diana celebrating Mum's birthday at Tradies
Diana and Graham at our wedding
Graham and Diana celebrating Mum's birthday at Tradies
So we were all in utter shock and disbelief yesterday.
See you in heaven guys...
Sylvia Johnson
Thank you for the beautiful tribute to Diana & Graham. It reminded me of all the times over the last 30 years we have spent together. I was so moved that my grief finally spilled out in lots of tears. There was a beautiful photo of them on the news tonight.
I'm sure Chrissie appreciates your support at this sad time.