Lego Brickman Cities by Ryan McNaught

So as an enticement for me to come to Sydney after Christmas, Mum noted there was a Lego exhibition on at Moore Park.  I suppose that's a good enough excuse ;)

Our first problem (after an easy train and bus ride to Anzac Parade) was finding the damned thing.  The tickets simply said "Entertainment Quarter" with no further detail and NOTHING at the Entertainment Quarter indicating where it was on.  We wandered around for ages.  We asked two different people where to go.  Absolutely abysmal event management!!


Eventually found it.

Lego Logo Mosaic

Lego Cities Logo

This one operated much like the Sydney Icons show I saw a few years back.  Just a few displays (five this time), with Lego to play with.  Last time it was primarily just bricks, but this time there was a mix of bricks and other types of pieces.  Not that I played with any of it heh.

There were five cities - Tokyo, Dubai, London and Sydney, in four corners of the room, with New York in the middle.  Been to all of them except Dubai.


Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo

Lego Tokyo


Lego Dubai

Lego Dubai

Lego Dubai

Lego Dubai

Lego Dubai

Lego Dubai

Lego Dubai


Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London

Lego London


Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

Lego Sydney

New York

Lego New York

Lego New York

Lego New York

Lego New York

Lego New York

So that was all pretty cool.

My version of the Lego logo vs Ryan McNaught's

Lego coloured seats