
When Neil and I saw there was a Ryan McNaught Lego exhibition coming to Canberra, we bought tickets as soon as they became available.

This was a hint at the mall:

Brickman, Canberra

On the day we'd booked our tickets, our breaker box caught fire.  This caused me no end of stress.  But it all worked out in the end and we got to go see it.

Pro tip:  book tickets for a school day - no annoying kids!!  And no crowds!!!

Sydney Lego mosaic

Giant begonia

Little old lady who lived in a shoe

Lego movie stage

Lego Movie director


Collosseum showing current day ruins, and its heyday

Small sculptures

Hot air balloon in Lego

1961 Ferrari made of Lego

1961 Ferrari made of Lego

The Brickman's Bounty

Walking the plank

The Brickman's Bounty

The Brickman's Bounty

The Brickman's Bounty

The Brickman's Bounty

A Roulette

Jetstar Deathstar

Jetstar Deathstar

Jetstar Deathstar

Jetstar Deathstar

Jetstar Deathstar

Jetstar Deathstar

Jack and Rose on The Love Boat

The Love Boat in Lego

Shark on The Love Boat

Bridge of The Love Boat

Engine room of The Love Boat

The Love Boat in Lego

The Space Shuttle in Lego

Sean Connery James Bond Lego mosaic

Cartoon character Lego mosaics

Lego X-Wing

All the James Bonds in Lego mosaics

Notice the ring-in above?

Johnny English Lego mosaic

Saturn V rocket in Lego

R2-D2 and C-3PO are going to the moon

Lego Opera House

Lego Opera House

Father and son off to the opera.  With Jabba.

Audience in the Opera House

101 Collins St Melbourne

Elvis the helicopter

Qantas A380 in Lego

I saw a couple of these little green guys around.  Turns out there was a competition to see how many there were.  I counted something like 25 in my photos.  I think.  I forget.

Green spaceman hitching a ride on the A380

Neil and I had a great time, all the more awesome with no kids or crowds.