Wednesday Kit came over briefly after work for a bit of a cool off (not that she actually went *in* the pool - just her feet!).
Thursday the little brother and Kat came up with the tv and stayed. Kit and Ben came up as well. Stu was a little anxious about *stuff*, Kit had decided to quit her job, and all the extra people in the house made for a very strange night.
Friday the sweetie and I had a random day off. Stu went to the doctor, then we had brunch in town. Came home and started pulling out stuff to give away and throw out. Took a whole heap of fluoro lights and old magazines to Revolve and had a walk through the Big Green Shed which was fun. Also took several boxes of books to Lifeline. But didn't get too much else done. Watched Back to the Future II in the evening.
This morning went along to the Mint Open Day. I'll leave that for a separate post, but their event management and crowd control was just plain awful.