Sydney Lightning Visit

Last Friday night we headed up to Sydney, staying at Mum's.

Saturday morning Mum and I went to have a look at my flat.  It'd been six and a half years since I had last seen it.  Sadly tenants just don't take care of things.  

Like the vanity - which had had so much water left on it over the years that it had gotten into the chipboard and swelled it all up and made it look disgusting, and the door was missing off it too.  

Woes of being a landlord

Or the light fitting in the second bedroom.  Who the hell loses light fittings?  And lots of stuff stuck to walls - I thought that was pretty much forbidden for tenants everywhere??

Woes of being a landlord

Or the vertical blinds, which I had in the two bedrooms and the lounge room.  But they're a crappy design and have a really thin bit of plastic holding them on, so if people let them swing about in the breeze from an open window or door, which tenants seem to do because they don't care, they break.  So now there's dodgy curtains in all three rooms.  *sigh*

Woes of being a landlord

Not to mention holes in doors, smashed tiles etc.  It was all a bit upsetting.

For the rest of the day Mum and I decluttered drawers and a shelf in the study - chucking out lots of stuff, reorganising things, and trying to sort out the hundreds of dvds Dad had made from shows he'd taped off tv.  Also David came over and we had another go a fixing the letterbox light, but something very weird is going on so he couldn't fully fix it.  At least now the light will come on when there's mail, but Mum has to go to the workshop to reset the light.

More decluttering

In the evening we headed to the other side of the world (ok the other side of Sydney) for George's 40th birthday party.  There was heaps of food and it was great to see lots of people I knew again, some of whom I hadn't seen since leaving Sydney (or even longer).

 George's 40th

George's 40th

Rob and Alison had these super cool lenses for iPhones (although designed for iPhone 4s, so I had to hold them in place on my 5).  I liked the fish eye and macro lenses.  Might have to get me some :)

George's 40th

George's 40th

Then there was cake cutting

George's 40th

George's 40th

And Pippi Longstocking impersonations.

George's 40th

We stayed til near the end, which meant we got coopted into helping clean up.  A good fun night.

Then Sunday morning we came home.