Violet Crumble Cheesecake Slice

I happened across this recipe for Violet Crumble Cheesecake Slice during the week and was inspired to make it this weekend.

Violet Crumble cheesecake slice
I decided to make a traditional cheesecake base rather than using the waffles.  And I probably added a bit too much "Violet Crumble" on top (I couldn't actually find any real Violet Crumble - I haven't seen the bags of it in forever.  I ended up using a brand I'd never heard of, as Crunchie just isn't the same.  It was ok, better than Crunchie, but not as good as "real" Violet Crumble).

It turned out well enough, could maybe have been a little firmer.  But I did hack the original recipe a bit - I used 500g cream cheese because that was the sized tubs it comes in.  Maybe should have used a bit more gelatine?

Unfortunately I won't be able to take this one to work for morning teas.  Will just have to work our way through it at home during the week :)

Violet Crumble Cheesecake Slice




Biscuit base:

250g pack Arnotts Nice biscuits, crushed

125g butter, melted



Crush a whole pack of Arnotts Nice biscuits to breadcrumb size

Melt 125g butter

Mix butter into biscuit crumbs

Spread mix onto a lined large baking tray

Refrigerate to set



2x 250g packs cream cheese, room temperature

1 tsp vanilla essence

½ cup caster sugar

300mL thickened cream

3tsp gelatine powder

300g Violet Crumble, roughly crushed


Sprinkle the gelatine over 1/4 cup (60ml) of water in a heatproof bowl. Place in a saucepan over simmering water and stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Set aside to cool slightly.

Use an electric beater to beat the cream cheese, vanilla essence and sugar until smooth.

Use clean electric beaters to beat the cream in a small bowl until soft peaks form. Fold the cream into the cream cheese mixture with the gelatine and half the Violet Crumble.

Spoon the cheese mixture into the pan and smooth the surface. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set. Scatter with the remaining Violet Crumble to serve.




Options and Notes

Adapted from





Fresh Ingredients Shopping List

Pantry Ingredients Shopping List

Ingredients in stock


2x 250g tubs cream cheese

300mL thickened cream



250g Nice Biscuits

Violet crumble

Caster sugar

Vanilla essence

Gelatine powder