Friday Veggies

For some reason (can't have been Masterchef I'm sure) .. most likely because I'd eaten *crap* all day.. I felt like cooking veggies tonight.

So this is what I made:

Friday veggies
It was all really just experimenting.  I fried some onion, garlic, oregano, Greek seasoning and some of the mushroom in some oil, while cooking some portabella mushrooms and capsicum halves in the oven.  Then I mixed  the stuffing mix with some cheese, breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese.  Plomped the "stuffing" on top of the mushrooms and in the capsicum halves and cooked for a while longer.  I also cooked some bok choy which was getting old in the fridge in some butter and garlic.  It was all pretty tasty, but quite a bit of work (took over 3/4 hour to prepare and cook).

Then I made Stu watch Babe, cause he'd never seen it   (!!)
I think he liked it :)